Latest News
Dear All
Happy New Year!
I hope that you all have had a break from school, and are feeling rejuvenated for the term ahead.
I wanted to reassure you all that we have a plan, in case there is any weather disruption likely.
It may be necessary to close the school temporarily, due to inaccessibility, (staff &/or learners), or risk of injury, in poor weather conditions.
Guidance states that the school should be kept open for as many learners as we can, safely, & do everything we can to reopen asap.
We can put in place temporary measures including:
Remote learning measures for some or all learners
Combine classes
Mix age groups
Use staff to supervise alternative activities
Our decision will depend on: no. of staff who can make it to school, their expertise, no. of learners', likely to attend & the guidance that: staffing ratios in Special Schools, will be based on meeting learner needs, safely.
In all circumstances, I remain responsible for maintaining the quality of care, safety & security of the learners in our setting & will consult with the CoG, whether to close the school fully, or partially, due to safety concerns.
SLT, Health & Safety Governor & Key Staff, will refer to any risk assessments for similar weather conditions, to remind us of other safety considerations eg. Can pathways to school be cleared to provide safe routes into the building for staff & learners? Supplementary risk assessment with any further considerations in mind, will be undertaken. School will notify the LA as soon as the decision to close to some, or all learners, is made.
School will inform parents/carers, staff, Governors, any extended services that may be scheduled to attend the school site, including transport, ensuring regular information is provided, to keep them updated,
If the closure takes place outside school hours, school will endeavour to arrange, at least one member of staff be present at the school entrance, at the beginning of the school day, to ensure that any learners who arrive independently, are informed of the closure, & ask parents/carers to check individuals are able to return home safely, if this is a possibility. A reminder that this could occur, may be made to parents/carers who take responsibility for a learner to travel, independently, in advance.
I do hope that all will go smoothly this term & that 2025 will be an even better year for our school community.
Please see the attached link for information regarding the measures local police will be implementing to help tackle anti social behaviour during school holidays.
The Merseyside Prevent team are requesting your assistance in terms of Prevent referrals during these difficult times. There has been a significant decline in referrals and the absence of such safeguarding referrals from areas where we would normally receive regular referrals such as Children’s Services, Vulnerable Adult Care and particularly Education, has been concerning.
I fully appreciate in these times along with agile working, safeguarding teams are all adapting and processes have slightly changed so we are trying to do all that we can to gently remind people of the requirements and the importance of being vigilant and that we in turn are still here to support and assist in the referral process.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind you that the link below leads to the ‘Let’s talk about it’ campaign, that advocates working together to prevent terrorism. This is an extremely useful site for all professionals and parents, please see the link below:
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Latest letter from Ms Wareing
Published 27/05/20Updated information regarding the current situation
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Letter from Wirral Council 15.5.20
Published 15/05/20Information regarding schools and the COVID-19 situation
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Published 04/05/20We want to raise awareness of a dedicated helpline for children and young people in Wirral that has been set up by the council.
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Wirral SEND Partnership needs your help!
Published 09/11/18Can you please spare a few minutes of your time to help us improve what we do?
As part of a Department for Education funding initiative for a new Information, Advice and Support Program, Wirral SEND Partnership is gathering views from parents/carers, children/young people and professionals about your experience of our service and suggestions for future development.
Your views will help us to create a two-year development plan and apply for additional funding in March 2019. What you tell us will directly influence how we shape the future service.
All children & young people up to the age of 25 that complete the survey will be entered into a draw for the chance to win £50 vouchers for a venue or shop of your choice
If you would prefer a paper copy of this survey, an easy read version or to speak to somebody face-to-face please contact the service on 0151 522 7990 (option 2) and leave a message, or email
Closing date 28th September 2018
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Our new Hydrotherapy Pool
Published 08/01/18Our new Hydrotherapy Pool is approaching completion.
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Summer Club 2018
Published 08/01/18A visit to Thornton Hough Park