Art- home learning
Ladybirds and other Insects
Resources and Ideas for Insects ie ladybirds
How to draw Topic ideas and information
What is pattern?
Where can we see patterns?
How can we make patterns?
What with?
How to Draw a Ladybug Easy Step by Step
Look at patterns and colours.
The first part is to practice drawing real ladybirds.
Print copies of different coloured ladybirds and look at YouTube example video of ‘ how to draw a realistic ladybird
Follow the visual and verbal instructions.
Use writing black pen.
Use colour and can highlight areas following the step by step instructions.
The next step is to make a paper cut out using You Tube ‘ Arts and Crafts How to make a Ladybird model.
Use coloured paper and paper stapler to put together use plate templates.
Making a Paper Mache Sculpture
Essentially paper mache or more correctly “Papier Mâché” (French expression for ‘chewed paper’) is made with newspaper and a mixture of water and flour. ( use wallpaper paste)
To make a paper mache use this guide on you tube
First thing you need is the base form of your project, and for that you may use upside down plastic bowls, cling film.
Then tear the newspaper in pieces and dip on the paste onto balloon for wing shapes. Let it dry completely between layers.
Further Work: Make a spring time paper collage background using tissue paper, making grasses and flowers to display their ladybirds.