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Meadowside School

Inspiring brighter futures

Maths- home learning

Home Learning for Maths  can be carried out online using Mathletics and/or the Oak Academy, as relevant.

There are also video options in the Key Stages sections below that can be used to support learning. These could also be used as a way to engage children and involve them in Maths if Mathletics and Oak Academy is not a suitable learning option for your child. The Knowledge Organisers are also given as a useful reference.

If you you would prefer your child to access Maths Home Learning on paper tasks sheets, there are some links below in the Key Stages section. If you are not able to print, please contact school for paper copies.

If you are not sure which tasks are aimed at your child, again please contact school and I will be happy to help.


Home Learning for Maths can take place for many pupils via Mathletics

Tasks will be set each week,  and progress monitored from school. Passwords have been sent home through Dojo and in some cases, delivered home as a print out. If you have any access issues please contact school asap.

When signed in - pupils will find their tasks under the Activities tab.

When they have loaded a task there is often an icon with a letter "i" on the right side of the screen. Clicking on this will show an example of what to do in the task, if needed.

When a task is completed pupils can "try again" or close the task to select another from their list.

Oak Academy

The Oak Academy has a range of lessons for all abilities. These links will take you to a video lesson taught by a Maths teacher. They teach the content along with giving tasks for pupils to complete (pause the video to complete the task, then continue when ready).

If suitable for your child, this may be an engaging way to access fully taught Maths lessons. Work can be returned to school on paper, or photographed and sent via email or Dojo.

I will post links here that you/your child can access if relevant.

Key Stage 3

Number Work: This lesson looks at addition and subtraction by counting all objects in a group, using numbers up to 10. This lesson focuses on subtraction by partitioning (grouping numbers), using numbers up to 10.


Key Stage 4&5

Number Work:                        This lesson teaches the 3 times table                        This lesson teaches the 4 times table           This lesson focuses on Multiplication (3 and 4 times table) using arrays (groups).          This lesson teaches how Multiplication can be carried out in any order.

Key Stage 3

Number Work

Animated video - Subtracting with single digits, counting objects:

Numberblocks video - Addition and Subtraction with numbers up to 10:

Column Subtraction no exchange (borrowing) – a quick written example:

Column Subtraction no exchange (borrowing)–  an example using place value counters:

Column Subtraction with exchange (borrowing)– a quick example:

Another quick example:


Properties of Shape

This is great video for learning shape names and properties (number of sides and corners):


Knowledge Organiser:

Key Stage 4&5

Number Work 

Counting in 2s - Active Maths with physical exercise

Counting in 10s  - Active Maths with physical exercise

Counting in 5s using arrays (grouping)


Shape Properties

This is great video for learning shape names and properties (number of sides and corners):

Knowledge Organiser:


Worksheets can be found below. Some of the videos  and the knowledge organisers in the Key Stage sections above may help

Key Stage 3 - Subtraction

Key Stage 4&5 - Multiplications and Division