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Meadowside School

Inspiring brighter futures


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All pupils with Special Needs Educational are entitled to the same broad and balanced curriculum as other pupils. At Meadowside pupils have opportunities to learn about the major world religions to encourage understanding, appreciation and tolerance of people whom may have beliefs that differ from their own.

The RE Curriculum at Meadowside School is developed by following the Wirral Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and Worldviews 2019 (SACRE). Religious Education topics delivered at Meadowside incorporate the requirements from the Wirral Agreed Syllabus. Religious Education lessons helps to support British Values and S.M.S.C. by encouraging respect and appreciation of diversity by learning about different faiths and non-faith communities. 

RE and S.M.S.C (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural)

Religious Education makes a significant contribution to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes spiritual development through discussion and reflection about the origins of the universe and good and evil, reflecting on concepts at the heart of religious practices. Moral development is promoted through studying key beliefs and teachings from religion and philosophy, values and ethical codes of practice. Social development is enhanced by investigating social issues from religious perspectives, recognizing the diversity of viewpoints within and between religions. In addition, Religious Education provides opportunities for cultural development by promoting racial and interfaith harmony, respect for all, combatting prejudice and discrimination, contributing positively to community cohesion and promoting awareness of how interfaith co-operation can support the pursuit of the common good.

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) for Wirral (2018/2019) ‘Key Issues that are addressed by the Wirral Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and Worldviews – 2019’ Wirral Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and Worldviews 2019 (p8)

RE Education

RE education is a statutory requirement for all pupils who attend a maintained school in England (including those in the sixth form) except for those withdrawing by themselves (if they are aged 18 or over) in accordance with schedule 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

Right to withdraw

The Education Act (1996) and the School Standards and Framework Act (1998), give parents the right to withdraw their children from all or part of Religious Education lessons. Pupils aged 18 or over can also withdraw themselves from RE education. 

If parents/carers have any questions or would like to discuss the RE lessons that are taught at Meadowside I will be happy to discuss with you.

Please contact the school to arrange an appointment. 

Mrs Jones